
The Importance of Selecting Quality Hay

The Importance of Selecting Quality Hay

Whether you have horses, cattle, sheep, goats or other livestock, good quality hay is an essential part of their diet, and it is important to choose only the best hay to feed your animals. Why Good Hay Matters Depending on the animal, hay can make up 50 percent or more of its daily diet, and in winter, most grazing animals consume even more hay because their access to adequate pasture is restricted. The nutrition from hay is vital to keep the animal healthy, and to protect its digestive health. Poor quality hay could lead not only to digestive trouble, but...

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Strategies for Feeding Show Animals

Strategies for Feeding Show Animals

A good diet is essential for the highest quality show animals, no matter what type of livestock you hope to exhibit. Balanced nutrition and proper feed will not only keep valuable show animals healthy, but will also ensure their coat is in great condition, their eyes bright and their energy levels suitable, keeping them in peak condition to do their very best in any competition. To properly feed your show animals… Check Ingredients: Be sure the feed you choose has the proper ingredients your animal needs. Avoid feed that has excessive fillers and instead opt for foods that will promote...

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Healing Hooves: Effective Treatment for Horse Wounds

Healing Hooves: Effective Treatment for Horse Wounds

Horses, with their curious nature and active lifestyles, are susceptible to various types of wounds. From minor cuts and abrasions to more serious injuries, it's essential for horse owners and caretakers to have the knowledge and skills to treat wounds effectively. Prompt and appropriate wound care promotes healing and also helps prevent complications to ensure your horse's well-being. In this blog, we will explore some key guidelines and techniques for treating horse wounds effectively. Assess the Severity When encountering a wound on your horse, it's crucial to assess the severity before proceeding with treatment. Determine whether it is a superficial scrape,...

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Impulsando la inmunidad de las gallinas de traspatio: fortaleciendo la defensa de su parvada

Impulsando la inmunidad de las gallinas de traspatio: fortaleciendo la defensa de su parvada

Tener una parvada de gallinas de traspatio no solo proporciona huevos frescos y una compañía agradable, sino que también conlleva la responsabilidad de garantizar su salud y bienestar. Un sistema inmunológico fuerte es vital para que los pollos eviten enfermedades e infecciones. Al implementar algunas prácticas simples, puede ayudar a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico de su pollo de traspatio y mejorar su salud en general. En este blog, exploraremos estrategias efectivas para aumentar la inmunidad de su rebaño. Proporcionar una dieta rica en nutrientes Una dieta balanceada y nutritiva es la base para un sistema inmunológico robusto en los pollos....

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Minimizar el estrés al destetar potros

Minimizar el estrés al destetar potros

El destete de un potro induce naturalmente un alto nivel de estrés y puede provocar enfermedades, pérdida de peso o lesiones. Eso significa un potro infeliz que le cuesta mucho tiempo, dinero y recursos. Si se hace con cuidado, el destete de un potro puede conducir a un caballo joven fuerte y saludable que es más productivo y más valioso en la exigente industria actual. Repasemos algunos conceptos básicos y un par de consejos útiles para asegurarnos de que no cometa el error de estresar demasiado a su potro en este momento crucial del desarrollo del animal. El momento “adecuado”...

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