Use Crystal Blue® Copper Sulfate Smart Crystals to treat algae mates in your pond or intrusive root systems in your septic tank. As with any other pesticide or algaecide, follow manufacturer's directions for application rates and procedures. The active ingredient in the smart crystals is copper sulfate pentahydrate. This chemical dissolves in water to free up the free copper that inhibits photo synthesis in the algae. Copper sulfate smart crystals can be added to algae mats in granular for or dissolved water solution. Apply directly to the algae mats. Wait a minimum of 14 days between applications. For best results, use in the spring when algae starts to grow.
- Crystal Blue ® Copper Sulfate Smart Crystals
- Algaecide
- Active ingredient: Copper sulfate pentahydrate (CAS # 7758-99-8) - 99.0 %
- Other ingredients: 1.0 %
- Copper as metallic: not less than 25 %
- See package details for application rates and precautions
- Use only as directed
- Application method: Dissolved with water or in crystalline form
- Do not use in residential ornamental fish ponds or other artificial water body systems contain koi or trout
- Can be used to treat cyanophyceae (blue green), chlorophyceae (green), diatomaceae (diatoms) and protozoa (flagellates)
- Can be used as a sewer treatment for root invasion
- Minimum number of days between applications: 14 day
- Follow all local, state and federal laws regarding the use of pesticides